Friday, July 17, 2009

Second Week Of-using and developing resources class

this week our class activity was filling the form for survey to know our background knowledge about the ICT.... it also shows our current competence of using the technology and also giving awareness about the software that are useful for the teaching and learning process.. after i filled the form i realize that there are many things that i should learn. After that, our lecturer divided us into smaller groups. I joined the video editing group and our leader is firdaus.... so, we have to compile the videos from our seniors from their assignments.... I am not feeling so well this week maybe it is the effect of the thick haze in Kuala Lumpur... i have sore throat and headache...

Monday, July 6, 2009


I'm in UM doing the BAGOS blog for my fifth semester subject which is using and developing resources for esl classroom. The lecturer is so nice and I really enjoy this class
so bagos!!!!! yessssssssssssssssss!!!!