Saturday, October 24, 2009

Microsoft publisher!!

This time, i have a chance to learn on how to use Microsoft publisher in the Microsoft office softwares...

this soft ware is very useful because i can use it as my teaching aids in the future...

there are many things that can be done using Microsoft publisher....... we can use this software to create:-

1 - postcard
2 - poster
3 - greeting card
4 - brochure
5 - fliers

after that i try to use it and try anything that useful in the microsoft publisher

I have a lot of fun using this... i tried to do the business cards and also the greeting cards and i thinks it is very use ful in doing this things...teacher can design any cards using Microsoft Publisher and give it to pupils after every semester to encourage them to work harder..

so hope that i can use this software in the future which when i will doing my teaching in schools

Video viewing

this week during the class period, our lecturer told us to show and share our video with the whole class... so, I spent most of my time viewing the videos from my fellow classmates... it was very fun because i can see many kind of creative ideas from my classmates.... we did the videos in pairs and i think the videos are very good because the whole people have different idea on how to to the video...

I really satisfied with the video that i made with my pair because i spent a lot of time in doing it... my partner and i did a lot of efforts in doing the video... the editing part was quite hard because it was our first time doing video editing and we were not quite familiar with the software that we used... i would like to thank my lecturer and friends who help to guide us and also teach us in doing this video... ok see you in the next entry!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009


this time we have to create a picture slides video.... We were given lecture about how to create a video using certain softwares... therefore, I learnt a lot of things from this lecture because i can see the importance of using videos as the teaching aids in teaching and learning process in the classroom.... besides that, i also found that the video can attract the pupils and they will be more interested to participate in the classroom activities...

teachers who use video tend to motivate the pupils to learn and also make better understanding for the topic that they pupils learn... the use of video is the prove that integration of technology in teaching gives a lot of benefit to the pupils and also the teachers... it can make the teaching session easier and less time consuming.....

our lecturer set a task for us to create a video with any theme that we like... this task require us to do it in pairs and my pair was fazeah... she is really good because we can quickly come out with an idea about the video.... so, we decided that our theme is "love" and we created a story board for our video so that we can consult our lecturer.... our beloved lecturer approve the theme and she said that our theme and story board is very good..... We just need to proceed with the idea and take some pictures related to the video...

wish us luck for the video and i hope everything will go according to plan...

ok that's all folks bye2 see you in the next entry!!!!!!