Monday, August 10, 2009

Internet skills

Hello.... i have learned about the Internet skills in my previous class of USING AND DEVELOPING RESOURCES FOR THE ESL CLASSROOM. I think i should put this entry before my previous entry because this is the general idea of Internet skills...... I learned a lot of things during this lesson.. for example, we were taught on how to use the search engine which is "" and I think it is very crucial for me to learn this skill. Based on what I learned, we must know how to choose the correct search results so that we will find the item that we are searching for. My lecturer taught on how to use the search engine by giving example on searching the mp3 file of Micheal Jackson's last song before he passed away...

Our lecturer told us to use print screen button to copy the steps on how to use the search engine, how to choose the correct search results, how to download, how to locate the downloaded files, and how to play the mp3 files..... Besides that, I also learned on how to download flash cards, edited pictures, animation, audio and video clips. Then i found that it was very easy to download certain files from the Internet and the internet connection should be fast enough or the download progress will be interrupted and you will not be able to finish it...

I was using and i found this video on how to download a video... i hope that by watching this video you will be able to download videos from

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