Sunday, September 6, 2009

Audio Editing~!~~

Previously, I learned something new which is audio editing..... Before this i just listen to an audio and most of the audio that i listened was songs because i really like to listen to songs... I always do my work while listening to the songs....

The audio editing is very useful because we can edit the audio the way that we want it to be.... for example I can edit it to make it shorter or I can omit certain part of the audio... besides that, I can also put certain effects in the audio in order to make it more interesting or suit with our intention of editing the audio.... I also learned how to filter or reduce the noise from the audio...

There are certain software that can help us in editing the audio sounds... for instance, the Audacity, goldwave and sony vegas... I have to do a lot of practice in using the software because this things are new things that i learned and need some times to acquire the skill and ability in using the software...

Because of this course, i had a chance to learn about audio editing and i really treasure the knowledge that i get from this course since most of it are new knowledge for me.. I wll try my best to polish this skills because it would benefit me in the future!!!

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