Thursday, September 3, 2009

Photo Editing!!

Previously, i learned how to edit photos and i found it is very interesting and very use for teaching aids..... i think the photo editing will give me some new ideas on how to choose the appropriate teaching materials that can be used in the classroom....

Nowadays, children especially the primary school pupils are more interested to focus on the lesson when there are more concrete materials used in teaching and learning process especially the visual aids.... the will be motivated to learn and have better understanding towards the lesson....

So, during the last class that i attended recently, i learned how to edit the pictures using the FxFoto software... the tools in this software are simple because it is a free software...

This is the picture that i edited using the FxFoto software:-

hayat after Pictures, Images and Photos

After that, i edited the second picture using the Photoshop software.... I learn how to edit this picture from my brother who studied in UUM... he taught me how to use photoshop and the picture is very good for amateur like me...

This is the picture that i edited using the photoshop:-

I cropped Valentino Rossi's picture and put it as the second layer of the picture and result is quite amazing!!

I really love this picture!! I hope i could be a better photo editor... i will polish my talent in using photoshop!!

That's all for this entry and i hope that all of you are enjoy reading this entry!! I hope i can be a better blog writer in the future since i can share the thing that happened to me and i can also know about people from different region of the world..!

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